
API Endpoint

Emails Checker offers a simple REST-based JSON API enabling you to thoroughly check and verify email address right at the point of entry into your system.

To use this API, you need an API key. Please create new account at to get your own FREE API key.


In addition to checking the syntax, the actual existence of an email address using MX-Records and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and detecting whether or not the requested mailbox is configured to catch all incoming mail traffic, the emails checker API is linked to a number of regularly updated databases containing all available email providers, which simplifies the separation of disposable (e.g. "mailinator") and free email addresses (e.g. "Gmail", "yahoo") from individual domains.

Combined with typo checks, did-you-mean suggestions, and a numeric score reflecting the quality of each email address, these structures will make it simple to automatically filter "real" customers from abusers and increase response and success rates of your email campaigns.

API response objects

Result example :

          "success": true,
          "response": {
              "email": "[email protected]",
              "result": "deliverable",
              "syntax": false,
              "mx_records": true,
              "smtp_code": "250",
              "catch_all": false,
              "disposable": false,
              "description": "Valid Email Address.",
              "user": "support",
              "domain": "",
              "free_email": true,
              "role": true

Object Description
"success" Returns the True or False represents api success of error.
"response" This array will give you a complete email details.
"email" Contains the exact email address requested.
"result" Return 4 results deliverable, undeliverable, risky, unknown in this opeion only *deliverable* is safe to send emails.
"syntax" Returns true or false depending on whether email syntax is valid or not.
"mx_records" Returns true or false depending on whether or not MX-Records for the requested domain could be found.
"smtp_code" Returns smtp result codes you can check all about smtp codes at here
"catch_all" Returns true or false depending on whether or not the requested email address is found to be part of a catch-all mailbox.
"disposable" Returns true or false depending on whether or not the requested email address is a disposable email address. (e.g. "[email protected]")
"description" This will give you a reason of your email delivery.
"user" Returns the local part of the request email address. (e.g. "jarvis" in "[email protected]")
"domain" Returns the domain of the requested email address. (e.g. "" in "[email protected]")
"free_email" Returns true or false if the email provider is free for all or not. eg, are free and other like is private domain so it will return false.
"role" Returns true or false depending on whether or not the requested email address is a role email address. (e.g. "[email protected]", "[email protected]")

Error Codes

If your query fails, the Emails Checker API will return a 3-digit error code, an internal error type, and a plain text "info" object containing suggestions for the user.

          "success": "false",
          "error": {
              "code": 101,
              "type": "invalid_access_key",
              "info": "You have not supplied a valid API Access Key. [Technical Support: [email protected]]"
Field Type Description
404 "404_not_found" User requested a resource that does not exist.
101 "missing_access_key" User did not supply an Access Key.
101 "invalid_access_key" User entered an invalid Access Key.
103 "invalid_api_function" User requested a non-existent API Function.
104 "usage_limit_reached" User has reached or exceeded his subscription plan's monthly API Request Allowance.
210 "no_email_address_supplied" User did not provide an email address.
105 "https_access_restricted" The user's current Subscription Plan does not support HTTPS Encryption.
106 "rate_limit_reached" User has exceeded the maximum allowed rate limitation and is referred to as the "Rate Limits" section of the API Documentation.
102 "inactive_user" The user's account is not active. Users will be prompted to get in touch with Customer Support.
310 "catch_all_access_restricted" The user's current subscription plan does not support catch-all detection.
999 "timeout" An unexpected timeout issue occurred.

GET - Check Email

                curl --location --request GET '[email protected]'
Result Example :

          "success": true,
          "response": {
              "email": "[email protected]",
              "result": "deliverable",
              "syntax": false,
              "mx_records": true,
              "smtp_code": "250",
              "catch_all": false,
              "disposable": false,
              "description": "Valid Email Address.",
              "user": "support",
              "domain": "",
              "free_email": true,
              "role": true


Take a look at the following API request URL: (If you would like to try it yourself, get a Free Plan and don't forget to attach your Access Key to the URL)


access_key To authenticate with the Emails Checker API, simply attach your access_key to the base endpoint URL:
email As you can see, in addition to the access_key parameter, there is only one required parameter (email) to start verifying email addresses.

GET - Credits

                  curl --location --request GET '
Result Example :   

    "success": true,
    "response": {
        "credits": "5099626"

Get your current api credits / api balance on


success If your request is success you will get true else false with http code other than 200 depending on error.
response This array will give you all necessary details about your request.
credits This id will return your current available Credits.

GET - Server Status (Coming SOON)

                  curl --location --request GET ''
    Result Example : 

        "serverOne": {
          "response": 200,
          "status": "Success",
          "info": "Success! Server One is live and working!"
        "serverTwo": {
          "response": 200,
          "status": "Success",
          "info": "Success! Server Two is live and working!"
        "serverThree": {
          "response": 200,
          "status": "Success",
          "info": "Success! Server Three is live and working!"
		"serverFour": {
          "response": 200,
          "status": "Success",
          "info": "Success! Server Four is live and working!"

Get all of our server status live realtime. You can keep on track if all our servers are accessable and working for your server ip.


response It will show you the exact response code of Response Code i.e. 200 or 201
status It will return Success or Fail as a server status.
info For Success: Success! Server number is status! For Failure: Failed! Server number is status!